There are so many wonderful traditions that surround the Christmas season. Christmas brings its own decorations, songs, cookies, and even cups at Starbucks. One of my favorite traditions surrounding Christmas is the Christmas movie! Whether an old clay-mation classic, a modern reimagining, or a TV Christmas special; they always warm my heart. Join us at the movies for this fun Christmas series!

Elf (12-11-2016)

Has there ever been a time in your life when you just didn’t quite feel like you fit in? Whether at school, at work, or in our families it can be an uncomfortable feeling to not quite fit into the mold that seems expected. More importantly, is there a purpose to it? Join us this week as we examine what it means to be a part of a world where you don’t really belong!

The Santa Clause (12-18-2016)

The Christmas holiday is a great time for reflection as we look back on the previous year and ahead to the new. How have things changed? How have you changed? Can you say that you can see a noticeable difference in your life this year from last? As we follow Jesus, scripture tells us that we are a “new creation” and with that comes a new calling. Join us this week as we take a look at what that means!