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In order to fully embrace the holiday season people choose to celebrate in numerous ways through traditions, decorations, and spending time with loved ones. We can often struggle as followers of Jesus to know how exactly to manage our own personal tasks and events with figuring out how to show the world the reason we celebrate in the first place.  This series is all about how we can embody Christmas and be a reflection of the story of God that is all around us this holiday season.


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Be Present (12-01-2018)

God's decision to come to earth and live among us for a brief period of time will arguably be one of the most historical events that has ever occurred throughout time.  In coming be with us, Jesus reminds us that God's plan all along has been to be fully present and a part of our lives as he designed from the beginning.  Being Christmas starts with understand Immanuel was more than just a name for Jesus.

[Recording delayed due to technical error]

Speaker: Pastor Philip

Be In Awe (12-08-2018)

Despite the craziness of the Christmas story, so many of us have become numb and calloused by the incredible miracle that really occurred.  The awe and wonder that is created within us each and every year as we retell this story of God coming to be one of us should invoke a powerful reminder.  The reminder of the miraculous God who put on flesh to be one of us.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

Be Love (12-15-2018)

Giving can easily become doing, exhausting us. At Christmas we see how to be love and not just do love through the picture of Jesus as a baby. Once we learn to receive God’s love, we give from that love, which is how we become love and how we become givers instead of doers.

Speaker: Connie

Be Hope (12-22-2018)

Often times it takes something drastic to pull us out of a place of despair. In the most unusual way, God sending Jesus as a child to to Mary was sending a message of hope like never before. As we celebrate Christmas, may we be carriers of the hope that is found in the form of a promise.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

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