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Do you ever feel like life is spinning out of control? The truth is, we have all been there before.  Living a balanced life is far more than just a money talk, and we strategically want to invite you into a perspective that looks past budgets, red, black, and green colors, and graphs.  This series helps speaks directly into the very nature that God wants for us as people who have a healthy balance in their life and steward themselves well.


Debt (03-16-2019)

The average American is swimming in some kind of debt and there are numerous practical tips that one might find helpful from the Christian perspective.  Although this message has several great actions steps woven throughout it, we have to take a step back and be willing to understand that debt is actually about something far greater - the condition of heart.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

Digging Ditches (03-23-2019)

What if the way we view life saw a drastic change? What if our purpose was more than acquiring a certain lifestyle, but rather seeing the eruption of God's Kingdom in a place? This week we talk about sacrifice, loss, joy, gain, pain and simply digging ditches to better know ourselves and a Triune God that is showing us a better way forward. What ditches do you need to dig?

Speaker: Pastor Mike

Live Generously (03-30-2019)

Since the days of the early church, followers of Jesus have used the powerful tool of generosity to shape how they treat each other and those who had yet to hear the Good News. As members of Awaken, we want to be practical in how we live our everyday lives so that we are prepared for when God invites us on mission to live generosity among our community and the world around us.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

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