In his letter to the Colossian church, Paul addresses a change from a primarily Jewish culture to include Gentiles. He writes to address the supremacy of Christ and warn against legalism. Join us for this series as we go through Paul's letter to see what wisdom we can take from each chapter.

Image courtesy of Heartland Church

An Expectation of Maturity (09-10-2017)

What does it mean to have a "full" life, as opposed to simply a "full" schedule. Join us this week as we start with Chapter 1 of Paul's letter to the Colossians and read about the expectation of maturity in the life of a Christ follower.



Failure of Responsibility (09-17-2017)

As he continues his letter to the Corinthians, Paul shares the connection between "fullness" and freedom. Join us this week as we examine a deeper view of sin as more than a breach of morality.

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Chapter 3 (09-24-2017)

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(No recording due to a technical issue)

Chapter 4 (10-01-2017)

We are surrounded with people everyday who don't yet know Jesus, but the challenge is to live wisely so that the Good News is on display in our words and actions.

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