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We don't belong here. We are influenced by a different culture. We are foreigners living among the those of this world. Peter writes a letter that has great impact for us today as we discover what it means to be holy, set apart, and yet still making an eternal difference while we here.


Enduring Faith (04-08-2018)

Throughout this life we face many trials that can overwhelm us and put our faith to the test.  As exiles who don't belong here, we are able to show the world what true faith looks like.

Surviving the Storm (04-15-2018)

When Peter wrote to the exiles, he understood a deeper sense of His King and Kingdom than maybe we do today. He understood that our life’s would be riddled with challenge and at times suffering.  But Peter gives hope that through this riddled life God is at work restoring all things back to his ideal way. This week we discuss how to not only to hang onto God’s redemptive and restorative process, but to take part.

Set Apart Marriages (04-22-2018)

This week we continue to examine what it looks like for followers of Christ to live as "foreigners" in a land where the values of the predominant culture does not match those of the Kingdom of God. Join us as we talk a little bit about marriages and how they can show people the power of the Gospel.

Tough Love (04-29-2018)

Trials continues to be a trending topic in Peter's letter to the exiles in Asia Minor, but for us as believers it is critical that we not only understand why Peter addresses this so much, but what the impact is on our posture of worship, being empowered by the Holy Spirit, and the way in which we view suffering as a Christ Follower.

Final Thoughts (05-06-2018)

In Peter's final words of his letter to the exiles he encourages them in several key areas of leadership, humility, and a key reminder about God's power despite the enemy's plans for destruction. These final thoughts are packed with deep truths that we all need as a reminder.

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