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How often do we live to the max? Do our decisions leave us running on empty more times than not? As we learn to follow Jesus well there is a clear calling on our lives to create margin and space for the sake of the Good News.  The culture we are says that happiness is often discovered through acquiring more stuff but Jesus teaches a different way to unlock true freedom and joy.


Margin Part 1: Make Room (03-07-2020)

Most of us rarely have space or capacity in our life for the unexpected. When problems come up, bills hit us, and life throws a curve we typically go in to panic mode. Jesus created us to have margin in our life but it doesn’t come easy or naturally - we have to make room for it and be intentional.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

Margin Part 2: 80/20 Rule (03-14-2020)

We all wrestle with the stresses that can come from our financial status. Whether these struggles translate to living outside of our means, trimming out the potential margin, or ignoring it a little longer we are all responsible for how we tackle the subject.  Our first step is always to examine the correlation between our walk with Jesus and the practical steps we need to take towards improving our financial standing.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

Margin Part 3: Margin for Mission (03-21-2020)

If we are going to live as a sent people in our neighborhoods and networks, we must start intentionally creating margin in our lives for mission. Unless we create the margin in our schedules and finances to be present with our friends and neighbors who don't know Jesus, it will not happen accidentally.

Speaker: Pastor Jeff

Margin Part 4: Pathways to Margin (03-28-2020)

As we wrap up our series, we examine the Pathways of stewardship and generosity and how we can grow in our finances, schedules, and relationships as a reflection of our walk with Jesus. May we have an honest conversation with ourselves, our community and with the Spirit in order to spur us towards a calling and not a place of comfort for the sake of the gospel.

Speaker: Pastor Philip

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