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Too often churches are associated with positive, encouraging, and supportive talk that helps us 'get through the day'. Although we firmly believe in all of these attributes within teachings and relationships, we wanted to make sure we are also know for our honesty.  During this two week mini-series we will have real talk about why we do things the way we do them and how we can make sure we staying true to our DNA as we seek to be missional in Hampton Roads and around the world.

Real Talk Part 1: Why Missional Communities? (01-14-2018)

There are a lot ways to "do" church and discipleship.  Although there might be numerous paths that lead to the same point, we firmly believe that missional communities is the best way for our community.  This week we focus on the "why" behind choosing missional communities, what Scripture says about them, and how we can strive to be more devoted as followers of Jesus.

Real Talk Part 2: Thin Places (01-21-2018)

As followers of Jesus, we are adopted as children of God; we become sons and daughters of the King. But what does mean to live as children of the Kingdom? Join us this week as we look at what it means for us to create "thin places" where the Kingdom of God shines through our broken world?

Looking for an older series or message? We are adding new (old) series weekly! Check out the archive to see what we've added.