The Christmas story is so simple most of us could tell it by heart. It's just your simple everyday story of a virgin pregnancy, extraterrestrial messengers, visiting occult magicians, and the incarnation of an all-powerful deity. On second thought, maybe it's not as simple as we think. Join us for this series as we look with new eyes at a story that is both completely unusual and beautifully simple.

Image courtesy of Trinity Christian Fellowship

Simply Christmas Part 1: Simply Faithful (12-03-2017

During the holiday season we all find ourselves surrounded by lights, trees, goodies, and gifts.  Nothing about Christmas really appears to be that simple anymore, does it? This week we focus on being faithful as we examine the life of Mary and Joseph, the parents of Jesus as the months and weeks lead up to the birth of the coming Messiah. Mary and Joseph teach us that faith isn't about the amount of faith we have, but rather where we place it. Simple right?



Simply Christmas Part 2: Simply Joyful (12-10-2017)

When we think about the shepherds that gathered their flocks at night at the incarnation of our savior, we often think about joy. Often times there is a deep sense of fear that initially held their joy in check, as does ours on too many occasions. This week we talk about the Emptying that Jesus underwent, and we must therefore follow in, where true joy can be found.

Simply Christmas Part 3: Simply Kind (12-17-2017)

One of the lesser known and lesser understood elements of the traditional Christmas story is that of the Magi. These travelers from the East bring gifts to honor the birth of Jesus, but their very inclusion in the story is unlikely. Join us this week as we take a new look at an old story and examine the roots of kindness.

Simply Christmas Part 4: Simply Generous (12-24-2017)

The story of Christmas is centered not simply around the birth of Jesus, but the coming of a Savior. As God sends us the greatest gift humanity has ever experienced we come face to face with His generosity.  'Simply Generous' is about understanding God's gift has no strings attached and designed for everyone unlike our human understanding of giving and generosity.

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